automatic translation


CELMI srl. A very interesting and important application in the naval/marine sector is the use of our load  cells (mainly type 142 with CANopen output interfaced with our Connect 4.0 control unit) for  weighing ships during their construction. In fact, more and more frequently the shipowner needs to verify,  during the various construction phases of the ship, that the weight of the ship corresponds to the  

project data and does not exceed the assumed weights in order not to subsequently incur greater/excessive  consumption. Therefore, at very specific time intervals, it is in the interest of both the owner and the builder  to verify that the ship is “getting fat” according to a precise construction table

Our type 142 load cells are ideal for this type of application as they can be used in groups, together with  cells of different capacities. Supposing you have a system with, for example, 10 type 142 load cells: each cell is  associated with an address and also the possibility of having a name; the cells are positioned in the system on  a Cartesian axis and therefore coordinates are given for each cell; these coordinates correspond to their  

positioning under the ship’s hull; in this way it is possible to have, in real time, both the weight of  the ship and also the calculation of the center of gravity, furthermore, if necessary, it is possible to  create groups of load cells that can constitute the front part compared to the rear part rather than diagonals  

or intersections to give the builder the opportunity to carry out all the necessary construction checks. All this  collected data can be recorded in various formats: CSV, text format rather than directly to Excel  files.  

Furthermore, our system has the possibility of being connected in the cloud and interfaced with all the most  modern acquisition systems via apps or in the cloud via a specific portal, so that the owner can follow the  weighing phases live if desired, comfortably sitting at his own desk, even connected from the other side of the  world. It is important to underline how important it is, for the construction of a ship, to keep the  correct positioning of the center of gravity under control during all construction phases, since  this monitoring allows for safer ships in all sailing conditions.

– Saving on consumption: a heavier/too heavy ship consumes more and therefore costs more and pollutes more; 

– For safety reasons: in fact this weighing system in ship construction helps to identify and keep the  positioning of the center of gravity under control: a fundamental element for having safer ships. 

For more information and details on all the weighing solutions that we are able to offer you, you can visit  the website and write to

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