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Industry Sectors:

TOSELLI S.r.l. Unipersonale

Top quality agricultural machines since 1935
Toselli has been operating in crop protection since 1969, standing out from the very beginning far the first self­propelled sprayers and hydraulic booms produced in ltaly.

In line with the Company tradition our mail goals are top quality level and client’s satisfaction we can achieve thanks to our operators’ skills and professionalism, special care, cutting-edge design tools and accurate selection of raw materials, suppliers and components.

The special care reserved to design and production is also given to after-sale users support and customers service, our main goal being to have perfectly efficient and performing machines working on the field as our customers ask for.
For this purpose we put at disposal of our clients a first-rate technical support, both by telephone and on site assistance.

The company born and still is located in San Giovanni in Persiceto, between Bologna and Modena, famous technological pole and land of mechanical and hydraulic excellences.

Our geolocation has always allowed us to count on first-range labour and highly specialized suppliers to be able to meet the needs of demanding and prepared customers. Our dimension and company organisation make us very flexible and highly able to customize the product, vital features to meet even the most demanding needs of professional niche global markets.