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Industry Sectors:


BESCHI SNC was born in 1972 and quickly established itself in the plastic molding. The sectors served by the Beschi company are different: from the product lines for textile industry to the parts dedicated to metal, garden, home, camping and swimming pools furnishings.

Made in Italy, the trademark that characterizes the entire production, expresses the excellence of creativity and craftsmanship. The high quality of the products and the refinement that permeate the product make it superior, as well as for the guarantee of the quality of the materials used.

The maximum production, today, is aimed at the molding of plastic materials for textile sector and the product line includes:

– Accessories for textile machines;
– Cones;
– Caps and rings for retraction;
– Drilled cylindrical and conical;
– Dyeing separators;
– Cylindrical tubes;

The research and development department of BESCHI SNC plastic molding, dedicates its studies to the search for solutions aimed at improving the quality of the work of its customers, offering increasingly reliable and competitive products. This constant commitment and direct experience in the sector of yarns and textiles in general, have led the company in the position of leader in the plastic molding sector for the textile sector, in the production of two-color tubes: the ideal solution that allows the differentiation of the article by title and quality.Always the result of research aimed at favoring the customer’s needs, it is the solution to space problems: BESCHI adopts an accurate cellophane wrapping system of the tubes so that they can also be stored in an open space , in order to facilitate rapid and functional movement within the building.

BESCHI, Made in Italy in plastic molding at the service of the best production solutions in the textile sector.