The Head Office of Bicchi is situated in Arezzo, an ancient Etruscan city in the Tuscany region, about 60 km south from Florence, along the motorway A1 between Florence and Rome.
It was founded by the two Bicchi brothers in 1950.
The invention of a machine called ‘cutter-blower’ necessary to all farms, made them famous all over Italy, thus allowing them to develop new ideas more effectively and helping them to introduce into the market new agricultural products more easily. This promptly satisfied the requirements of the technological development in the agro-industrial field.
In the 60’s they began manufacturing agricultural trailers of all kinds and capacities also fitted with special equipments, suitable for every kind of specific agricultural activities.
The constant attention to the evolution and changes in the market lead Bicchi to improve more and more their product range and to enlarge their usual commercial areas, including many new markets. In a short time Bicchi grew from domestic to European market, then from international to world-wide.
Already in the 70s Bicchi was exporting its products to Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Central America.
This internationalisation trend lead to the formation of a twin factory named REMBI SPA at the end of the last century and helped to strengthen the organization and production system thanks to a solid network of shared companies, providing complementary or integrative products for the agro-industrial field.