Blumm Knowhow was established in 2018 and it originates from the project developed in collaboration with Professor Baruch Lev – “Philip Bardes” Professor of Accounting & Finance at New York University Stern School of Business, expert on numerous committees of the United States Congress, unanimously the mondial point of reference in this matter, used to improve the assets of intangible products in the sector of ‘’communication of values’’, particularly in service of the complex national and international institutions, in order to gratify the needs and interests of the European Union and the United Nations, in particular.
Blumm Knowhow has developed strategies on environmental energy topics for the European Agency Fusion for Energy, European Environmental Bureau, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, the Directorate General of the European Commission dealing with the chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials that could harm the society through their accidental or deliberate release, as well as for private entities such as DG Impianti and Proger.
A multidisciplinary hub whose goal is to develop strategic knowledge and innovative methodologies, tools and processes by combining data analysis, neuroscience, semiotics and sociology, in collaboration with renowned universities and research centres across Europe.