Camozzi Advanced Manufacturing specializes in the mechanical machining and assembly of large parts and components. Joining the Camozzi Group in 2009, Camozzi Advanced Manufacturing (called previously Innse-Milano) originates from the historic Innocenti Sant’Eustacchio, a leading company in mechanical construction and plant engineering.
We carry out mechanical machining operations in titanium, cast iron, steel and aluminium on a production surface (Boring and Milling department) of 25,000 m2 with overhead traveling cranes of up to 200 tons.
The only machine fleet in Italy for size, performance and availability of non-standard equipment allows us to respond to the most difficult processing needs in various technological areas: machine tools, for plastic moulding, systems for die-casting aluminium, components for the steel industry, rotor and stator parts of large turbines, compressors, pumps, large electric motors, parts and components for large lifting systems.