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VIA BICOCCA, 14/C - 40026 IMOLA (BO)

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Industry Sectors:


Cefla Finishing is a world leader in the design and manufacture of solutions for the coating, decoration and digital printing of countless materials and substrate types. We invent, innovate, integrate. From the simplest machine to the most complex and complete finishing line, we offer a wide range of systems to meet all needs in terms of productivity and production efficiency. Thanks to over 70 years of experience, we have assumed a leading role in the sector and boast a wide and diversified know-how: from wood and its derivatives to glass, plastic, fiber cement, composite materials and metal. Through process innovation, cutting-edge technologies and specific software tools, we offer industries the opportunity to evolve.

Today we are able to apply our knowledge in existing contexts, creating commercial partnerships and offering integrated solutions tailored to the needs and objectives of our customers. We have a large number of patented technologies and we are a pioneering company in the digitization process able to reap the benefits of Industry 4.0. We offer our customers unique opportunities to project their business into the future, thanks to latest generation innovations and our vast experience in the finishing industry.