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Industry Sectors:

COG S.r.l.

COG is a leading manufacturer of water radiators, oil coolers and intercoolers for industrial machinery and vehicles, construction equipment, tractors, forklifts and hydraulic circuits, made out of both copper and aluminum.

Founded in 1990 by Giacinto Colucci, the company stood out in the market immediately with a highly reliable, always evolving product able to satisfy the customer needs.

For over thirty years, COG has been working at all levels, from marketing to sales, from design to production and quality control, to improve its product and make it more competitive in a process of continuous improvement of the existing products and an ongoing research for new ones.

In addition, COG implemented the innovative planning systems and principles of Industry 4.0 to be able to assist and guide the client from the moment of conception till the complete realization of a customized, efficient and highly-performing product: we make evaluations of the dimensions, structural testing, contamination testing, and so on.

In conclusion, we sell “solutions”, not only products.