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Industry Sectors:


COMEZ International is part of the Swiss JAKOB MÜLLER group and is the recognized market leader for warp and crochet knitting machines. We offer the best solutions for the production of a wide range of knitted fabrics, for a variety of end uses:
– laces, ribbons and bands for lingerie and underwear, sportswear and clothing accessories;
– passementerie and fringes used in upholstery and outerwear, edges, shawls, scarves;
– fancy yarns;
– fabrics for outerwear and home textiles;
– technical fabrics such as ribbons, bands, Astrakhan closures, simple and tubular fabrics, 3-D fabrics, simple and tubular nets. These fabrics can be used in various sectors such as medical / orthopedic, geo-textile, construction, automotive, industrial, transport, sports and leisure, furniture etc.
COMEZ provides adequate and specific responses to market demands, proposing new models of machines for the creation of innovative textile products, following a growing need for customization of textile machinery and thus allowing designers of fabrics and fabrics to obtain results capable of stimulate and enhance their creativity.