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V.LE A. LABRIOLA 183/187 - 59013 MONTEMURLO (PO)

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Industry Sectors:


Since 1935, the DANTI PAOLO company has been producing textile finishing machines. Located in the textile area of ​​Prato, the company has acquired extensive experience in textile finishing thanks to close contact and direct cooperation with end users and its machines.

DANTI PAOLO machines are produced in its Montemurlo plant, where each machine is also tested in operating conditions, before final delivery to the customer.

Since 1988 the company’s technical department has been using Computer Aided Design, which, together with its long experience, allows it to create innovative solutions and advanced products.

The DANTI PAOLO company closely follows each of its customers from the first phase consultancy during the definition of the order, to the installation of the machine and after-sales service, with ready spare parts and an efficient after-sales service.

All machines are equipped with modems for remote troubleshooting. The use of the highest brands of components makes the machines extremely reliable and resistant.