ISTech Segatrici was born in 1994 from the experience of Rita Bollini, soon joined by her son Alessandro Rescaldani, returning from an experience with the most important US manufacturer of band saws.
The ISTech brand (Italian Sawing Technology) embodies the company’s mission: to create an Italian product that surpasses the biggest names on the international band saw market for quality and reliability.
Always faithful to this idea of excellence, we have grown rapidly, gaining the trust of some of the largest companies in the engineering sector and introducing important innovations in the world of band saws.
In April 2003 we moved to our current headquarters, tripling the previous production area.
Our work
We are simply concerned with one thing: ribbon cutting, but in this we seek excellence.
We know that everything can always be improved and we work to do so, continuously. We work with passion to build ever more precise, productive and reliable band saws.
We work to give you the certainty that when you buy an ISTech saw you are buying the best the market can offer you.
At your service
Every single machine is a special machine that must respond to special needs: yours.
This is why our work always revolves around you: we evaluate your needs, study the best solutions and offer you all our assistance, before and after the purchase, always with the same enthusiasm.
Our customers never feel alone, because they have a serious, capable and willing work partner at their side.