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Industry Sectors:

MONTI – MAC S.r.l.

Since 1931 Monti-Mac has been designing and manufacturing 100% Made in Italy innovative solutions for the automation of the sewing process in the traditional and technical textile industry. Over the last twenty years, Monti-Mac has gradually dedicated more and more energy and resources to the research and development of cutting-edge solutions for sewing, cutting and handling of traditional and technical textiles with particular attention to the following applications:
– preparation of fabrics for finishing with head-to-tail stitching and automatic roll handling
– selvedge preparation for digital printing with patented fringe cutting system managed by digital cameras
– sewing, cutting and handling of GEOTEXTILE, TNT, KEVLAR technical textiles intended for the world of construction, defense, boating etc.
A concentrate of AUTOMATION, FLEXIBILITY, RELIABILITY and QUALITY which, combined with an AFTER SALES service all over the world, assists the over 3000 customers who have given their trust to our brand to date. The sale of SPECIAL HIGH QUALITY yarns dedicated both to traditional use and to the heaviest work situations always guarantees the resolution of every process problem. Finally, thanks to the acquisition of an important Italian brand, we are today the ONLY manufacturer to produce 100% Made in Italy PORTABLE SEWING MACHINES of recognized quality and reliability.