Officine Drag define the real feasibility of the product and shows functional and aesthetic features of the items. In addition the company check also the project from an economical point of view. Customers are supported during the development of the project, design and engineering steps. Doing so, Officine Drag turn ideas into reality thanks to technical expertise, know-how and technologies. To have detailed analysis and using 3D modelling, the imagination is immediately depicted. With these tools engineers are able to check the whole project.
Officine Drag develop plastic injection molds with new technologies, methodology and creativity. Our molds work in any industry sector. We also have the chance to make pilot mold (aluminum) before making final tool. Thanks to the use of dedicated software, Officine Drag is able to understand better solution to fill cavity, how to analyze pieces in crucial parts, contortion and cooling of the parts. Furthermore, Officine Drag check work in progress thanks to GANTT diagram. Doing so, employees are able to manage the manufacturing, planning steps for production process and updating customers promptly.