Pergemine has been founded in Parma in 1956. After 60 years of activity as “drilling contractor”, Pergemine has drilled more than 500 wells with depth of beyond 6,000 meters.
The drilling activity is provided through eight land drilling rigs.
Pergemine’s technical staff is composed by highly skilled engineers, tool pushers and drilling crews.
Pergemine has developed its own school, aimed to get certifications in oil field for inner and outside personnel, becoming IWCF (International Well Control Forum) member.
Now Pergemine, certified ISO 9001:2015; BS OHSAS 18001:2007; ISO 14001:2015, is supported by a structure of technical assistance which is able to supply qualified production and maintenance services.
The maintenance services include the activities of disassembly, inspection, reassembly, testing and substitution of parts and they are managed according to the requirements of the API laws in force.
Moreover, the workshop is supplied with tools in order to carry out the welding activity, carpentry and machine tool workings. The workshop is also equipped for the production of threads and x-overs in accordance with the 7 API rule (No. 7-0392 API License and product licenses VAM for VAM EIS, VAM CDS and VAM EXPRESS threads).