This is how we have been able to create a complete range of machines ranging from material shredding, refining, suction and compaction. We are able to satisfy any spare part request for our machines and also special needs in general.
We can affirm that the reliability of our products allows us to expand our sales network, however, already developed in the European territory and beyond.
In May 2006 the Prodeco Srl became part of ACIMALL the Association of Italian Manufacturers of Machinery and Accessories for Woodworking which currently represents 220 Italian companies. National trade association that adheres to CFI (Committee for Industry Fairs), a Confindustria andUNI (Italian national unification body).
Furthermore, the Prodeco Srl proposes a product that is increasingly responsive to customer requests, considers Quality Assurance and the continuous improvement of the quality management system as priority and strategic management elements.
For this reason we are certified according to the standard UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008.
The photovoltaic system installed at our headquarters has been active since January 2011. This investment testifies to the attention of the Prodeco Srl for environmental protection.