URAI S.p.a.
URAI Spa Laboratory Equipment division has been representing since 1950 some of the leading brands in the field of instrumentation for research, analysis and quality control in the paint, ink, paper, plastic, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food industries. In today’s catalog there are ATLAS MTT leader in the field of aging tests in light, weather and photo stability, Brookfield Engineering synonymous with viscometers and texture analyzer, Datacolor for color measurement, Rhopoint for the evaluation of the Gloss, Leneta for the supports contrast, RK and Hanatek in the field of inks and packaging, Hauschild with the innovative high efficiency mixers, SDL Atlas for the textile sector and Taber for abrasion tests. The high competence of the staff and the care dedicated to the after-sales service have contributed to making URAI an esteemed and reference supplier for the Italian market.