Women in Cleantech and Sustainability (WCS) also has a LinkedIn group page (type our full name in the search box at top to pull up our group as well). WCS fosters an influential network of professionals to further the roles of women in growing the green economy and making a positive impact on the environment.
At many cleantech and sustainability events finding more than a handful of women can be difficult. WC&S brings women together for fun networking and education around the most cutting edge topics in our industry.
We are professional women working in the clean technology and sustainability, from the entry level to the executive level. We meet once a month to network and learn the latest developments in the green movement from speakers and panelists. Topics covered include: renewable energy (solar, wind biofuel, etc), water, smart grid, biomass, carbon reduction, sustainable transportation, energy efficiency, sustainability, green buildings and many other technologies that aim to make our world a cleaner, more sustainable place.