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VEGAPULS 6X: accurate and hacker-proof level measurements

In the era of Industry 4.0, the accuracy of level measurements goes hand in hand with cybersecurity. VEGA, a pioneer in the field, has created VEGAPULS 6X, a radar sensor that makes no compromises.

VEGA sensors have long been synonymous with reliability in industrial monitoring. With the integration of Bluetooth, access to process data has become even more immediate and flexible.


Cyber security: a priority

The interconnectedness of technologies in modern industry requires robust protection. VEGAPULS 6X is designed with a multilevel defense strategy, certified according to the IEC 62443-4-2 standard, to protect against manipulation, DoS attacks, and industrial espionage.

VEGAPULS 6X offers a comprehensive package of security features:

  • Two-factor authentication: Only those who are authorized can log in;
  • Event log: Tracks any suspicious activity;
  • Firmware protection: No unwanted software can compromise the system;
  • Data backup: Your parameters are always safe;

VEGA experts have integrated cybersecurity into every stage of VEGAPULS 6X development, ensuring maximum protection for your data and processes.


The future of measurement

VEGAPULS 6X is not just a sensor, it is the answer to the challenges of Industry 4.0. Precise measurements, wireless connectivity and uncompromising security: the future of level measurement has arrived.

VEGA experts have integrated cybersecurity into every stage of VEGAPULS 6X development, ensuring maximum protection for your data and processes.


The future of measurement

It is not just a sensor, it is the answer to the challenges of Industry 4.0. Precise measurements, wireless connectivity and uncompromising security: the future of level measurement has arrived.

Visit the VEGA website to learn more!

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