Sterilization processes in pharmaceutical applications are subject to very stringent parameters, imposed by the reference standards and entail for the products to be treated an exposure to very severe conditions of temperature, humidity, vacuum and pressure.
As an integral and fundamental part of the process, the temperature probes are therefore also exposed to the same conditions and, although they appear to be structurally simple products, they are, together with the pressure sensor, a key component of the process and its realization requires a know-how. specific how and highly specialized personnel.

With over a decade of proven performance in the field and thanks to an incessant work, started over twenty years ago and then intensified in recent years, CAP IT has come to produce a very high precision PT100 sensor, ideal for AUTOCLAVE applications or applications ” walk-in “.
The PT100 sensor by CAP IT for AUTOCLAVE is a highly performing product, with unique performances, undoubtedly the best in Italy, such that it can be defined as the PERFECT SENSOR.
Inserted directly inside the systems through specific cable glands and positioned near the product to be treated, it is subjected to extremely severe working conditions, precisely due to the often combined action of temperature, steam, pressure and vacuum.
But, since it is completely sealed and waterproof, it does not suffer interference from the environment in which it is immersed and is designed and built to withstand the repeated and penetrating steam / vacuum cycle of the AUTOCLAVE process and a high handling and handling stress, maintaining, despite this, the highest levels of accuracy and repeatability of measurement, as well as excellent flexibility and dexterity of use for the operators.
The long experience, the carefully chosen materials and some exclusive technologies make the PT 100 sensor for AUTOCLAVE by CAP IT extremely resistant, durable and precise and, for this reason, much appreciated by the major AUTOCLAVE manufacturers and users all over the world.

Technical features:
- Sensitive element PT100 Ohm
- Accuracy class “AA” (1/3 DIN)
- Single or double element
- Protective sheaths in AISI 316 L
- Cables 4/8 Teflon® insulated conductors and silicone coated, Bar Code and Serial Number
- Conformity and Calibration Report on request
- Operating temperature up to 150 ° C and above
- Operation over 3 BAR of saturated and vacuum steam pressure.