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Cattini & Figlio: upholding excellence through quality management

At Cattini & Figlio, quality isn’t just a standard; it’s the very essence that infuses every aspect of their operations and every individual within the organization. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, the company is dedicated to not only meeting but surpassing customer expectations while maintaining stellar performance on the global stage.

Central to the company’s ethos is its Enterprise Management System, built on several key pillars:

  • Customer satisfaction: The primary focus is on aligning products and services with both explicit and implicit customer expectations, ensuring that every interaction leaves a lasting impression of quality and reliability;
  • Safety: Cattini & Figlio prioritizes the well-being of all individuals associated with the organization, fostering a safe and secure environment for employees and stakeholders alike;
  • Environmental responsibility: Recognizing the importance of sustainability, the company takes proactive measures to minimize its environmental footprint and promote eco-friendly practices;
  • Respect and integrity: Upholding the highest standards of respect for customers, suppliers, and employees, Cattini & Figlio fosters a culture of trust and integrity in all its dealings;

Ethics, quality and legal compliance

In addition to its steadfast commitment to quality, Cattini & Figlio takes pride in its adherence to ethical principles and legal standards

The company has implemented a robust management model aimed at preventing legal offenses, a testament to its uncompromising stance on ethics and legality

Recognized by Italian law under Legislative Decree 231/2008, this management model underscores Cattini & Figlio’s dedication to operating with the utmost integrity and accountability. 

For those seeking further insights into Cattini’s quality policy, detailed information is available here.

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