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The potential of greenhouses in Spanish agritech projects

Spain is one of the largest greenhouse tomato producing countries. In 2022, Looije Aguilas, an originally Dutch company, built a new greenhouse module in Murcia of 7.3 hectares in a single unit. It is the largest structure designed in Spain in recent years. This project, capable of promoting a 10% increase in greenhouse tomato production, is part of a particularly competitive industrial context. In fact, the demand for more modern, technological, and productive greenhouses is constantly growing in Spain.

According to the Looije managers, the new installation will increase tomato production from 21-22 to 27 kg per square meter. This greenhouse makes use of numerous technologies, where solar radiation is essential to obtain a high yield and quality in the hydroponic cultivation of tomatoes. 

The structure

The light structure, painted white, is equipped with several screens and double ventilation systems. Since it is a single large volume, climate control in the greenhouse is managed efficiently and uniformly by a single air conditioning system.

Yield and quality

Inside the greenhouse, three varieties of cherry tomatoes are grown throughout the year: round cherry, baby plum, and mini kumato. Thanks to the conditions created by the air conditioning system, production increased by 5/10% during the first six months, also preventing the spread of parasites and diseases.
However, Looije’s goal is not limited to quantity. The final product’s quality was, in fact, one of the main motivations behind the design of the structure.

Will we, therefore, witness a proliferation of these state-of-the-art monumental installations?


Read also: Phosphorus fertilizers: Spain urges Europe to support the agricultural sector
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