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Tyrewarmers: what are they and what are their characteristics?

CAP IT tyrewarmers are electrically heated textile covers equipped with thermostats or thermoregulators

They are used for different and variable functions: to maintain constant the temperature of a material, generally liquid; to avoid its freezing in environments with very low temperatures; to heat a surface; to prevent the formation of ice; to preheat chemicals; to cover drums and tanks, pipes and tanks, but also for heat treatments, which involve the transformation of materials and substances. 

The tyrewarmers are composed of an internal electric heating circuit and a layer of specific fabrics to withstand high temperatures and difficult working conditions. 

They are equipped with various fastening systems for the support to be heated, ranging from quick closures through velcro to buckles, but also rings, laces, hooks. 

The temperature is controlled by thermostats or by electronic control units on board or remote.

The tyrewarmers have different characteristics:
  • Robustness: the internal heating cables are robust, covered in teflon and metal stocking;
  • Safety: The tyrewarmers are made of water resistant and fireproof materials. The models with control units allow the verification of the heating times and, in case of power losses or malfunctions, provide alarms and power interruptions. They can also be built in Atex zone 2 environments and are all, compliant with the safety regulations of electromagnetic devices; 
  • Lightness, maneuverability, flexibility: particular attention is paid to handling and low weight, so that the tyrewarmers can be mounted by only one operator. Unlike heating elements and heating cables, the soft fabrics of the tyrewarmers allow you to roll them up or fold them for better storage, without occupying large spaces in production or warehouse; 
  • High performance: The thermocouples are designed to reach the temperature plate in the shortest possible time, compatibility with their size and the material they are in contact with and that must heat;
  • Energysaving: the new mid-band LP versions and the new ECO-ARCTIC have been designed to meet the needs of reducing energy impact and controlling consumption:

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